Bidder Sale Selection


The Pre Sale Item Viewing and Bid Selection screen is accessed from the Bidding and Sale File Viewing drop down menu.  It is used for placing bids and viewing the sale by lot number


The top of the screen lists the sale number the sale status, the lot number, the status of the lot number you are inquiring on, the advertised sequence numbers in the lot, and the closing date and closing time.


The next section lists Your Sale Bid Totals and Your Lot Bid Totals. 

Your Sale Bid Totals – This information is for the entire sale.

Total Bids Made:  This shows an item count and total face amounts of all the tax sale certificates bid on by you bidder number.

Removed From Bids:  This gives you a count of all items you bid on that were removed from the sale prior to the bids being awarded.

Current Bids:   These are the items that you have bid on minus the removed items.

Deposits:  This is the total of all the deposits you have made for your bidder number.

Total Bid Limit:  If the county has a deposit percent requirement such as 10 percent than your total bid limit will be ten times the amount of your deposits.

Available Balance:  This is the total amount you have left to bid with.  It is the total bid limit minus any current bids.

Over Bid Amount:  Over bid amount will only happen if one of your deposits fails.  If this happens you need to contact the tax collectors office immediately.


Your Lot Bid Totals – This information is ONLY for the lot you are inquiring on.

Total Bids Made:  This shows an item count and total face amounts of all the tax sale certificates bid on by you bidder number for this lot.

Removed From Bids:  This gives you a count of all items you bid on that were removed from the sale prior to the bids being awarded for this lot.

Current Bids:   These are the items that you have bid on minus the removed items for this lot.



The View Selection Parameters section of the screen allows the user to selectively view items in a lot.  Once you change a selection choose Click here to apply the Selection Parameters or hit the Enter key.



Lot No:  Choose which lot number you wish to view or bid on.

Only View My Items:  By choosing this option the list of items will only include the ones you have already bid on.  Remember you might have to hit NEXT or PREVIOUS to view all the items.

Items to View Per Page:  The default of items per page is 50 items.  The maximum allowed is 99 items.

Find Property:  By entering a property number and hitting enter the list will come back with the property number you selected as the first in the list.  You must enter the property number in the tax collector’s format.

Find Percent:  By entering a percent in this field the list will bring you back all items bid at this interest rate.  Only View My Items must be checked to find a percent. 

Find Advt. Seq. No:  By entering an advertising sequence number the list will come back with the sequence number you selected as the first in the list.

Select (One Only):  You may choose any of the four options.  These options only apply to your bidder number.

All Items – This lists every property advertised for the tax certificate sale.  If accounts have been paid they will show as Paid, if they have been remove for other reasons they will be marked as removed.

Open Items – This will show all items that are available for bid.  If you have already bid on parcels in this lot they will not be listed here.

Bid Items – This will list all items bid on with your bidder number if you have selected Only View My Items. 

Removed Items – This will list any items that were paid or removed from the sale after you bid on them.

Click here to apply the Selection Parameters – Once you make a change to one of the above hit this to show the results.

Reset Parameters – Hit this to reset the parameters back to the original selection.



                    For FILTER entry and information go to Update Filters. 



  User Detail (NEW)


To view more detail on the Property Number check the Display Extended Details box in the View Selection Parameters area and hit the Click here to apply the Selection Parameters.

This will add a second line of information containing the Assessed Value, Total Acreage, DOR Use Code, Issued Certificate Count, and Unpaid Certificate Count.




































User Category (new)


A User Category option is available for use.  If you wish you may assign a User Category (this may be any name you wish to use) to certain parcels you are bidding on.  In the example Homestead is going to be assigned to the Marked bid.  Once this is posted the user category is then assigned to this sequence number. 





































This is only for viewing purposes.  You may enter as many user categories as you wish.  To View your specific user categories enter the user category in the User Category box above and hit the Click here to apply the Selection Parameters (in Red).


The bottom of the screen is used to bid on items.  Depending upon which selection parameters you chose above determines which items you will see.  The default is to show all advertised items in groups of 50. 

The screen shows the Lot/Sequence number for each item, the Property Number along with the tax year, the Face Amount of the tax sale certificate, any Special Flags for the item and a Status.

The Special Flags: You will see a letter if they fall into one of these categories if you put your cursor over the letter it will show you the description.  The following are descriptions:  HOMESTEAD, INSTALLMENT, SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS, BANKRUPTCY/LITIGATION, UNDERMINIMUM HOMESTEAD, VALUE ADJUSTED, SOLD TO GOV, CTY TAX DEED, PENDING and INACTIVE.

Status:  The status of an item is either ACTIVE, PAID, or REMOVED.  You may not bid on a paid or removed item.


To BID on an item simply enter the percent you are going to bid and check the Mark box.  Once you have filled in the screen for the items you are bidding on chose the Post/Change Bids button to update your bid totals.  Once you hit the Post/Change Bids button all your bidder totals will be updated.


To enter a percentage you have two options, either enter a percent in the Bid% field of every item or if you are entering the same percentage rate enter it in the Bid Percentage to Apply field and simply Mark each item you wish to bid on at that rate.  If you are entering different interest rates you may either choose the interest rate by holding the cursor over the Bid% box and choosing a percent from the list or tab into the field and key in the percent yourself.

To Mark an item that you are bidding on put a check in the Mark box by either choosing it with your mouse or tabbing into the field and hitting the space bar.


To bid on items at zero percent go to the Zero Bid Entry and Viewing screen. 

DO NOT USE THE ZERO BID screen unless you are truly bidding on a certificate at ZERO percent.  You will not earn any interest on a zero bid item.


If you are continuously bidding at the same percent use the Bid Percentage to Apply field and choose the rate you wish to bid and simply Mark each item with a check and hit the Post/Change Bids button.


To REMOVE BIDS mark the items that you wish to remove and hit the Remove Bids button.


The View button takes you to the Bidder Property Details screen.



After you Post/Change Bids the screen will return with your new items highlighted.  Your bid counts and available balance will be updated with your new bids.



Sale Status – The sale is OPENED FOR BIDS, which means that it is accepting bids, until a time chosen by the tax collector’s office to award bids.  At this time the sale will close for the lot and no more bids will be accepted.

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